Top 5 Ways to Use Labels in your Kitchen

Labels for the kitchen are probably my favorite labels to make.  They are what started Everything Labeled.  They are easy to use and make your kitchen feel more organized.  Here are 3 simple ways to get started in your kitchen.

1. Pantry: You don't need to have a big fancy walk in pantry to label. Some simple containers will do. Even ones for just flour and sugar. The Pantry Label Pack is perfect to start you off. It has 10 of the most common items in everyone's pantry.  But if you do have the space try to categorize your items, decant them into containers, and stick a label on it. 

2. Another way to use labels in your kitchen is for your spices. I always found all those mix matched spice bottles annoying.  So when an organizer friend showed me the bottles she uses for her clients, I quickly tested them out and created these labels that fit perfectly. 

I even used the jars for sprinkles.  

3. The third way to use labels in your kitchen is for your cleaning supplies.  Decant your cleaning spray into an amber bottle and put a pretty label on it.  The Thieves cleaner label is a popular one.  Plus it makes cleaning feel not like a huge chore.

Thieves Cleaner

4. Another fun way to add labels to your kitchen is your measuring spoons and cups.  As I am getting older I am having trouble reading tiny print.  Also having a emerging reader as my baking helper I needed something a bit bigger and easier to read.  Enter in a quick label for your spoons and cups.

Measuring Cups Labeled

5. The last way is make your favorite coffee mug a bit more fun in the morning.  I use the same mug every day so waking up and seeing this makes me happy and confirms my need for More Coffee. A simple custom label works and you can have it say anything you want.

More Coffee Please


There are many more ways to add labels to your kitchen but here are the top 5 that people come to me over and over to order. 


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